REMONDIS to rodzinna marka o niemieckich korzeniach i jedno z największych przedsiębiorstw na świecie w branży recyklingu, usług komunalnych i zaopatrzenia w wodę. Działa w 33 krajach świata i świadczy usługi dla ponad 30 mln mieszkańców. W Polsce REMONDIS jest obecny od 32 lat i jest liderem w swojej branży. Działa w ponad 50 miastach na terenie całej Polski.
Day-to-day responsibilities include: Coordinate with end users and assist them with their regular problems/issues, these issues will be managed through Aon’s ticketing system – Service Now. Develop new ideas and present them to the end users and team. Analysing...
Data dodania: wczoraj
poznaj szczegółyAon
Day-to-day responsibilities include: Coordinate with end users and assist them with their regular problems/issues, these issues will be managed through Aon’s ticketing system – Service Now. Develop new ideas and present them to the end users and team. Analysing...
Data dodania: wczoraj
poznaj szczegółyAon
Day-to-day responsibilities include: Coordinate with end users and assist them with their regular problems/issues, these issues will be managed through Aon’s ticketing system – Service Now. Develop new ideas and present them to the end users and team. Analysing...
Data dodania: wczoraj
poznaj szczegóły